National Tenant Organizing Program

Tenant Organizing Training

The DSC runs regular training to help tenants and DSC members learn basic organizing skills and how they can be applied in a housing context.  This program has a strong focus on practical skills you can immediately use to start organizing your neighbours and other tenants in your city. At the end of the course, you should be prepared with the knowledge and tools to lead an organizing campaign.

Tenant Organizing Support

Members of the National Tenant Organizing Program (NTOP) develop and provide resources (toolkits, roadmaps, training, etc.) and volunteers to help buildings in need of organizing support. We welcome you to become a DSC member to join the NTOP or attend a new member meeting.

How to know if you should organize your building

At rental apartment buildings or complexes, you might notice issues and problems with the property or the way tenants are treated that indicate you should organize the tenants.

  • Does your landlord hike the rent every chance they get without also improving the building or its amenities? It may be legal in some provinces to increase the rent every year, but that doesn’t mean it’s fair to tenants.

  • Do you notice insects, mice, or other infestations in your building or unit?

  • Do you notice mould in your building or unit?

  • Does your building have sub-standard security such as broken locks or cameras?

  • Do you have malfunctioning appliances in your unit that aren’t being repaired?

  • Are common areas not well-kept?

  • Is your landlord unresponsive when you report issues?